Job Stories

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Chemical Feed

Chemical Feed

Problem: Japan Machinery Company, a manufacturer of water treatment equipment, uses air operated chemical feed pumps to inject various chemicals and additives at very high pressures. The reciprocating action of the pumps produced excessive pulsation and vibration in the discharge pipes of the system, which caused broken pipes, failed gaskets, damaged valves, and pulled pipe supports from their foundations.

Cleaning Products

Cleaning Products

Problem: Pumping household cleaning products such as oven cleaner, furniture polish, floor waxes, and starch. After blending of various chemicals to manufacture the final products, the product is pumped into various holding tanks within the plant. During this process the product travels through long lengths of piping to various filling locations. Foaming and aerating of the various cleaning products created a problem with the filling process of aerosol cans. Also, due to the long lengths of piping, the pumping action of the diaphragm pump created pipe vibration and potential leaks at fittings.

Waste Liquids

Waste Liquids

Problem: A large manufacturing plant located in Japan uses air operated high pressure injection pumps throughout their plant to pump out waste liquids from reactor vessels. The reciprocating action of the pumps creates a pulsating flow which vibrates the plumbing, producing loud noise resulting in worker complaints and possible safety issues.



Problem: A decontamination facility pumped acids and water through a series of 15" spray nozzles to rinse radiation from contaminated metals. However, the pulsating action of their reciprocating pumps caused uneven spray into the rinse tanks, and the metals were not rinsed completely.



Problem: Rocky Mountain Steel Mills in Pueblo, CO uses two Myers/Aplex MA-240M quintuplex 200 HP plunger pumps to descale the raw material before it is sent through the forming rollers that create the final product. Each of these pumps produces 100 GPM at 2,200 psi. The reciprocating action and high pressure created by these pumps causes severe shaking of the pipes, valves, and pipe supports in the system. More critical to the operation, the pulsating flow can cause erratic descaling of the raw material. This erratic descaling can cause damage to the form rollers and can make it difficult for the steel mill to achieve consistent quality in their final product. This style of pump also requires a smooth flow of fluid to the inlet to work properly.

Paper Industry

Paper Industry

Problem: A leading paper manufacturer located in Japan uses air operated double diaphragm (AODD) pumps to inject process chemicals into a mixing tank. The low viscosity of the liquid, less than 10 centipoises, makes the chemical in this particular application very susceptible to the reciprocating action of the pumps. This makes it extremely difficult to maintain any type of accuracy when introducing the chemical into the batch. As a result, the quality and consistency of the final product suffers.