
Certifications & Quality Standards

Dampeners and accumulators are pressure vessels and as such, it is critical they be manufactured and tested according to the industry’s highest standards for quality, safety and reliability. Blacoh was founded upon and is dedicated to maintaining excellence in the production. Our US manufacturing facility is ISO 9001:2015 certified and employs LEAN 5S methodology for improved efficiency, standardization and productivity.

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ISO 9001:2023 Certified

This international standard for quality management systems (QMS) ensures Blacoh is able to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements.

WBENC Women's Business Enterprise National Council

Blacoh is committed to fostering diversity in our industry, and we recognize that our customers share our commitment. WBENC’s national standard of certification is a meticulous process to confirm the business is at least 51% owned, operated and controlled by a woman or women. As a certified Women’s Business Enterprise, Blacoh’s distributors and customers will be able to count spend with Blacoh towards their own diversity goals.

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CRN Canadian Registration Number

A wide variety of Blacoh SENTRY dampener models are registered CRN pressure vessel design in all Canadian provinces and territories.

For more information on units available with CRN, please contact us here.
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PED Classification

Blacoh SENTRY dampeners are classified under the European Pressure Equipment Directive (fixed equipment) as pressure accessories under Category I and SEP, and can be used with both Group 1 and Group 2 fluids for specific applications within the EEA.

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ATEX Certification

Blacoh SENTRY and SPILLSTOP products include models that comply with the European Union’s ATEX directive for equipment in explosive atmosphere environments.

ASME Certification

A wide variety of Blacoh SENTRY dampener models are certified to ASME Section VIII Division I standards, while others are exempt. For more information on which are exempt and which can be certified, please contact us here.

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Supplier Clearinghouse | WBE

Confirms the eligibility of various types of business enterprises, such as those owned by women, minorities, members of the LGBT community, and persons with disabilities, for certification purposes. The primary purpose of the Supplier Clearinghouse is to audit and verify the status of woman and minority-owned businesses.

Build America, Buy America and ARRA Compliant

BLACOH products are manufactured in the United States and comply with both the Build America, Buy America Act and the Buy American provision of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).

NOTE: Some Accumulator models offered by BLACOH may be manufactured by North American or European partners.
Contact a BLACOH Sales Manager for specific details.

BIS Compliance

BLACOH Compliance with Homeland Security Regulations

United States export laws, enforced by the U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS), strictly prohibit U.S. companies from exporting certain products without documentation regarding the end user of the product, where the product will be used, and what the product will be used for. The BIS requires this information so an exporter can determine if the export is allowable under U.S. law.

Certain BLACOH products require this documentation before an order can be processed, including products sold within the United States. The information we ask you to provide will only be used to perform the following screening:

  • Ultimate Destination: The U.S. has different laws depending on the country of destination. We must check the destination to ensure we follow the requirements for each country. When completing the BIS-711 form, please keep in mind that the distributor's country cannot be listed as the country of destination if the item is to be sold in another country. It must be the country where the end user of the product is located.
  • End User: The end user must be checked against several lists published by the United States. There are Denied Person and Denied Company lists of those that cannot obtain our products under any circumstances, and those that will require us to obtain an Export License prior to shipment.
  • Product Use: Many products will become a controlled item that require an Export License because of how the end user will use the product. BLACOH must have the details of how the product will be used, which is the same application information given to you to specify the product. Stating on an order that it is a stock purchase is not sufficient.
  • License Requirements: There are several facts regarding your order that could cause it to require an Export License, including the material of construction of our unit. BLACOH must have all the information above to insure that we are legally selling and/or exporting our product.

Please help us comply with U.S. regulations by accurately completing Form BIS-711 as required. BLACOH is ultimately responsible for all of our products sold and the penalties for violating U.S. export laws are quite severe.

Specific Requirements for Hastelloy, Alloy 20 and PTFE

The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) strictly regulates the sale and distribution of many types of equipment, including pumps, pipes and pressure vessels. Under federal law, manufacturers are held responsible for the ultimate destination and use of regulated equipment, as well as products made from certain materials due to the potential for use in chemical, biological and nuclear facilities. Highly corrosion-resistant materials such as high nickel metals and Alloy 20 are specifically controlled.

These federal regulations apply to restricted equipment and materials regardless of where products are shipped. For this reason, BLACOH requires our customers in both the United States and abroad to complete Form BIS-711 before we will accept orders for products made from Hastelloy, Alloy 20 or PTFE. This form must be filled out completely, signed and dated by both the customer and the ultimate end user, and the original returned to BLACOH. Imaged or faxed forms will be accepted, provided all information and signatures are legible.

We regret any inconvenience to our customers. Please be aware that it is not only BLACOH at risk. You too could face serious penalties for inadvertently violating these federal regulations restricting controlled products and materials.

For More Information
Use the links located in the left column of this page to access additional information:
  • Form BIS-711: This form must be filled out completely, signed and dated by both the customer and the ultimate end user, and the original returned to BLACOH. Imaged or faxed forms will be accepted, provided all information and signatures are legible.
  • BIS Web Site: Access the BIS web site for more detailed information on the U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Industry and Security.
  • Export Controls on Fluid Handling Equipment: Article from the August 2009 issue of Pumps & Systems magazine.
  • The Business of Pumps - Keys to Export Compliance for the Pump Industry: Article from the February 2003 issue of Pumps & Systems magazine. While BLACOH does not manufacture pumps, BLACOH products have the same controls.

U.S. export regulations require that all domestic and international transactions be screened against U.S. Government lists of prohibited end users. U.S. export laws prohibit shipments to certain individuals, organizations, and institutions listed on U.S. government prohibited lists, including, but not limited to the U.S. Treasury Department Specially Designated Nationals List and the U.S. Department of Commerce Entity and Denied Persons List. For detailed information visit the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security web page https://www.bis.doc.gov/.

Exports and re-exports of BLACOH products are subject to U.S. export controls and sanctions administered by the U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS). Be aware that the information you provide to BLACOH does not in any way replace your obligation to comply with U.S. law. BLACOH makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the information contained on any third-party web site or in any document linked to this web page. Information on this web page, on any third-party web site or in any document linked to this web page should not be considered legal guidance or advice.